The term Couples therapy was coined in the late 1970s by Dr. Robert Cialdini who was a practicing family therapist and psychologist
This type of counseling is an online one (no face to face sessions) that helps clients through their problems or difficulties. It's not uncommon for people to seek help from partners for things such as mental health issues, relationship issues or even financial stress. However, sometimes it can be difficult for the couple to communicate and see each other without actually meeting face-to-face.
When couples are unable to meet face-to-face because they have some sort of distance that leads them to feel isolated from each other, it can cause a lot of problems for both parties (this could even be exacerbated if they are simply far apart, or simply don't like talking to each other).
The main aim is for couples to get to know their partner better to provide support during stressful times and build a stronger family unit. People experiencing problems with couples therapy should think about what the problem is first and try to work out why it occurs, what is causing the problem - and ask themselves if there is anything they can do to fix the issue.
One way couples can use couples therapist is when they've just had a break up with someone they were involved with at all or in most cases. For example, if you are having difficulties with a particular person but no longer want to involve yourself with him/her, then this kind of counseling can be quite beneficial. Or if we find our partner has started dating someone else, such as a new significant other, but has no interest in getting engaged, then this type of counseling can be very useful in providing extra encouragement and support.
Couples Counseling on an Online Platform includes video calls, group chats and live streaming tools. One advantage is that it doesn't cost as much (since the costs of running an office outweigh those of online meetings). Clients can choose which mode is right for them and can even set their own budget for the session. The benefits of couples therapy through couples counselor include helping clients cope with their loss of trust in the partner, building up the trust between two people and giving them a sense of belonging. This will also help people to understand how important communication is, learn how to manage conflict and create healthy boundaries.
Benefits of Online Couples Therapy include:
The convenience of the time spent together
The flexibility to choose your sessions as long as you have the internet access
No need to travel to your therapist's location
Your privacy and confidentiality are preserved
No medical background required (this means no referral restrictions or insurance limitations)
You can start accessing services over an hour after registering your session (this allows you to complete as quickly as possible and make necessary appointments).
The process is easy to do and quick. You just log into your account, select a date, and start the sessions. It's really just that simple! So far so good?
If you are seeking to start couples counseling at home, then we can provide you with several tips that can assist us in working with you. We give free consultations on Saturday evenings for people wanting a deeper understanding of individual needs, as well as a personalized program called "Your Healing Pathway", designed by our therapists to address specific issues and to move on from past traumas.
For more information or to book online couples session call us at: 944-934-5122 or email us at or visit for further details.
Online Couples Therapy - Virtual Marriage Guidance
For anyone struggling with relationship issues and looking for a new path to freedom, consider visiting A team of licensed couples psychologists with intimate experience in real life and dealing with relationships based in reality. You'll become aware of a wide range of problems facing married couples and how to solve them, learn techniques and insights to manage the situation, gain insight into different types of love, and hopefully, gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationship.
You will attend 3 weekly therapeutic groups each week where you will talk, share experiences and solutions together. Each session is 90 minutes long and consists of small group discussions and activities. There are 2 separate counseling rooms available and each room contains only 8 persons: 4 couples counseling/psychotherapy practitioners, 6 married couples, and 2 children. Every single counseling room has a dedicated receptionist and therapist. Your counselors and therapists will work closely with you, your spouse and your children in order to develop strategies so that you can feel more positive about yourselves and deal positively with any difficulties/conflicts you may be facing. Once you decide on your counseling path, all counseling resources are included in your sessions. All content will remain confidential and you won't get credit for purchases made in the course of your treatment.
Why Choose Us?
At Couples Therapy we believe every couple should be valued for who they are, what they're trying to achieve, and what they have to offer the world. That's why we treat marriages, happy families and singles as individuals and we're here to make sure you never go through life alone. Our couples therapist approach is a unique blend of psychotherapy, education, practicality and creativity; we combine empathy and understanding with actionable advice and support. Many couples face similar challenges, and together, we will help you overcome them!
Some common problems couples face today include:
Lack of connection and trust
Difficulty communicating and relating
Trust issues and mistrust
Difficulty staying committed to their spouse
Lack of sex drive and satisfaction
Difficulty finding fulfilment and purpose
Difficulty moving forward and solving co-dependent problems
Difficulty resolving conflicts
Difficulty accepting the realities of life
Difficulty navigating change
Difficulty coping with negative feedback and rejection
Lack of self-awareness and emotional intelligence
Loss of commitment to their values and family
Lack of faith in one another
Lack of energy and motivation
Lack of commitment to achieving their dreams
Lack of belief in themselves
Lack of autonomy
Lack of time and concentration
Lack of interest and productivity
Lack of initiative, hard work and discipline
Lack of sleep and self-care
Lack of happiness
Lack of pleasure
Lack of sexual attraction to others
Difficulty managing money, finances and investments
Lack of physical contact
Difficulty making decisions and taking charge of own life
Lack of social support
Lack of independence
Lack of self-confidence
Lack of respect
Lack of self-love
Lack of intimacy
Difficulty connecting
Difficulty opening up to their partner
Difficulty being comfortable with the changes happening in their lives
Difficulty feeling loved
Difficulty reaching deep down inside oneself
Lack of meaning in life
Difficulty being present
Lack of passion
Lack of excitement
Lack of enjoyment
Lack of gratitude
Difficulty accepting the facts of life
Difficulty accepting personal responsibility for their actions
Difficulty saying goodbye
Difficulty recognizing where they are heading
Difficulty making the difficult decision
Lack of focus and attentiveness
Difficulty developing healthy habits
Difficulty keeping focused
Difficulty putting problems to the back of mind
Difficulty processing emotions
Difficulty admitting mistakes and learning from them
Difficulty adjusting and responding to change
Difficulty letting go of past hurts
Difficulty letting go of unhelpful patterns and behaviors
Difficulty changing negative thoughts
Difficulty letting go of limiting beliefs
Difficulty setting goals
Difficulty making priorities and sticking to them
Difficulty handling difficult emotional situations
Difficulty letting people go
Difficulty accepting constructive criticism
Difficulty dealing with disagreements
Difficulty adapting to a new situation
Difficulty accepting change
Difficulty adapting to the unexpected
Difficulty handling pressure
Difficulty doing tasks and situations that are not in the plan
Difficulty moving forward
Difficulty keeping healthy routines
Difficulty using willpower
Difficulty keeping the lines of communication open and trust intact
Difficulty accepting change over fear
Difficulty dealing with anger and aggression
Difficulty being a part of a new situation without feeling guilty
Difficulty holding commitments (for example attending and fulfilling commitments)
Difficulty accepting disappointment and sadness
Difficulty accepting failure as part of growing up
Difficulty accepting change
Difficulty being grateful to yourself and your partner
Difficulty receiving honest advice
Difficulty accepting constructive criticism
Difficulty accepting responsibility for your own behavior and emotions
Difficulty embracing the idea of change
Difficulty accepting that everyone has to go through tough times
Difficulty expressing feelings of unhappiness and hopelessness
Difficulty accepting that any negativity in your life will eventually fade out
Difficulty maintaining commitment
Difficulty acknowledging past hurt
Difficulty identifying and accepting your differences as valid
Difficulty identifying when it is OK to let people go
Difficulty letting go of toxic patterns and cycles
Difficulty letting go of people who hurt you
Difficulty trusting someone completely
Difficulty recognizing that you can change, grow and learn.
Difficulty accepting that you need support and guidance
Difficulty accepting that you're going through your own personal development journey
Difficulty accepting that you're ready to accept new knowledge, skills and approaches
Difficulty accepting that you're not always right
Difficulty accepting that your current situation is temporary
Difficulty recognizing when you're genuinely sorry for what you're experiencing
Difficulty accepting the fact that you and your partner might have been victims of abuse and neglect
Difficulty accepting that it is normal for you to make mistakes and feel angry and stressed
Difficulty accepting that everything happens for a reason
Difficulty accepting that you've got past something.